Saturday, August 29, 2015

Difference between Natural Fiber and Man-made Fiber

Fibers are the fundamental components of all textiles. There are mainly two types of fiber. One is natural fiber and another is synthetic or man made fiber. Natural fibers are extracted from plants and animals. Manmade fiber are polyester, rayon, viscose staple fiber. Its is a process of wood pulp chemically treated and processed to make a fiber equal to natural fiber with same qualities.

Natural fiber VS Manmade fiber
Natural fiber VS Man made fiber

Difference between Natural Fiber and Man made Fiber:

Sl. no.
Natural Fiber
Man Made Fiber

The fibers which we get from nature re called natural fiber
The fibers which are developed by man re called man made fiber

Generally fibers are hydrophilic
Generally fibers are hydrophobic

No. of molecule controlled by nature
No. of molecule controlled by man

Length of the fiber is nature given
Length of the fiber is controlled by man

We get fibers as staple or filament
No question about short or long staple fiber. It depends on man will

Less strength and durability
More strength and durability

No need to spinneret for spinning process
Spinneret is essential for filament production
The fabric made from natural fiber is comfortable and good for health

Man made fiber is not comfortable and not good for health

Natural fiber is not favorable for finishing
Man made fibers are favorable for finishing

Comparatively less durable than synthetic fiber
Man made fibers are more durable than natural fiber

Fineness varies from one fiber to another fiber
Fineness depends on the manufacturers

Natural fiber has a great demand as humans wear
Synthetic fiber is widely used in every day life except humans wear

Natural fiber is called environment friendly
Man made fibers are not environment friendly. Some fibers are harmful for the environment like: Polypropylene

Natural fibers needs to scouring and bleaching process before wet processing
Scouring and bleaching is done in very few cases

It is not possible to change in fiber structure
It is easy to change in fiber structure

It is expensive
It is cheaper

Bears crimp naturally
We have to give crimp manually

It grows with its natural color
Colors are added in the solution bath as required

It is easy to dye the fiber
Coloration is not so easy as natural fiber

Dust and impurities could be in natural fiber
No dust or impurities contain in synthetic fiber

The use of natural fibers are limited than man made fiber
Man made fibers are used in multi task than natural fiber

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